If you are stressed about this, don’t worry. We are together in this and have a solution to resolving the quality issue with Instagram uploads. The solution comes back to the quality that you’ve set on your data usage limit for Instagram. Today’s guide seeks to understand why Instagram uploads blurry videos after ensuring everything is okay when editing. Further, we will see the solutions for ensuring the video quality remains the same after uploading your Instagram videos.

Why Are Instagram Videos Blurry?

By default, Instagram restricts uploading high-quality videos, especially when using cellular data, due to the high data usage consumed. Instagram has a compression algorithm that controls what you upload and can make or break the quality of your videos. The main reason is to save on bandwidth and storage space. Whenever you upload a video on Instagram, the algorithm does the calculations and decides how best to compress the video file for easy storage on the server. The reasonable sizes and resolutions as determined by the algorithm may be different and alter the quality of your video. For instance, if you record a 5 minutes video and get its total size of around 400 MB, that’s not the actual size with which the algorithm will upload the video. It has to compress to reduce the size. To avoid your video getting blurry after uploading, you need to enable the high-quality feature on Instagram.

How To Upload High-Quality Videos to Instagram

The high-quality feature is not directly accessible as Instagram hopes to keep it hidden from most users. The good news is that we know how and where to find it for iOS and Android. Follow the steps below. Note that accessing Instagram from the desktop version may hinder you from changing these settings. Instead, use the mobile app. With that feature enabled, all your Instagram uploads will get uploaded with high quality, and you won’t get any blurry videos again.


Everyone enjoys it when the quality of their video is high. We’ve seen why your video may get blurry after you upload it and offered a solution to fix the issue. Hopefully, you now understand how to adjust your Instagram settings to ensure you get the best quality for your videos.

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