Now, let’s take a good look at everything you need to know about deleting a Snap from your story.

How To Save A Snapchat Story

Before we get to deleting snaps, you need to know how to save them, just in case. Remember that once a snap is erased, it can’t be recovered. As a result, it’s necessary to be careful with your photos. Simply press the download icon in the row of icons next to “My Story” to begin. This will save all of the photos in your story to the phone’s camera roll. If Snapchat doesn’t already have access to your camera roll, a pop-up window will appear requesting permission to store snaps to the camera roll. Select “Yes”. You’ll be led to the Settings menu on your phone, where you can change Snapchat’s permissions. If you’re not interested in saving the entire story, you just want to save a snap or two inside it. There’s a solution for that also. This, like the story, will save the photo to your camera roll. You may need to grant Snapchat permission to carry out this action.

How To Delete Your Snapchat Story

Finito! In the unlikely event that your snap story is still visible in your area the next day, even after deleting it, try this method to make a quick fix.


In case you don’t want to go through any of what’s listed above, the rule of thumb is to think twice before posting anything. Unfortunately, you can’t erase the memories of those who have already seen your stories by the time you decide to delete them. Pending any advancements concerning memory wiping, we’ll have to stay on our toes. Swipe right on your Snapchat camera. You would be able to view the stories of people you are following. You should also be able to see your own.