However, in those servers, where hundreds, if not thousands, of members participate and communicate, ensuring the authenticity or age of an account becomes urgent. So, if you’ve had your eyes on an account that’s acting sus, you can do this to know when it was created.  Discord can be valuable and fun to use, provided you know your way around the app. If you’re in a rut figuring out how to check Discord account age, this article will help. 

What Is Discord and Why Do People Use It?

Discord is a messaging and VOIP communication app that is most popularly used by gamers to maintain a seamless communication stream while playing video games. For your information, VOIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocols, which are devices like phones that use the internet to place voice calls. Discord works like this, however, with much more sophistication and a host of unique features. You can send plain texts to your fellow discord members, place voice calls, and exchange multimedia.  Ideally, Discord does not allow people to use the app below thirteen years of age.  The app emerged as just another messaging app but with features supporting communities in separate servers. So a specific server will house a myriad of members with similar interests and allow them to engage in an uninterrupted conversation, idea exchange, transaction of virtual resources, and many more activities. That is why it became such a hit with the gamers’ community, where thousands of players of a particular game can be on a server and talk about it. 

Steps To Check Discord Account Age

The more you engage in conversations on a server, the more likely you will find some elements that act suspiciously. Knowing the account’s age can tell you when it was created and whether it’s credible. You can also know if the specific gamer or an old server member is new to the site.  The following steps will help you find your way around to check a specific account’s age on Discord on your PC (steps for mobile devices are similar, and you can still use this tutorial):  The result in a box will contain the user’s details like their username, ID, date of creation, and if they are a bot or not. You can use the account’s creation date to determine the discord account’s age. Note that instead of following the steps to copy ID, you can copy the last string of numbers from the URL when you open the private chat box with the account.


Finding the stretch of how Discord works and offers can be overwhelming. Tech-savvy people can handle the deal better. However, when it comes to newcomers or people who need to be made aware of the nuances of software technology can face problems. If you’ve wondered about an account’s credibility or age for whatever reason, you can quickly check the account’s age by putting their ID in the discord age checker tools like Lookup. 

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