This guide begins by discussing how to add a payment method to an existing ad account. Once we have our payment method added, we will see the steps for changing the payment method and conclude with how to remove a current payment method.

How To Add a Facebook Ad Payment Method

Facebook offers an excellent platform for advertising thanks to its millions of daily users. To create an ad, you must do so from the Ads Manager. Upon creating your first ad, you must add a payment method using the steps below. Your new payment method for your existing Facebook ad account has been added.

How To Change Payment Method on Facebook Ads

We’ve seen how to add a payment method to an existing Facebook ad account. If you have a change of mind about your Facebook ad payment method for various reasons, you can change it, but you must be the admin to do so. Use the steps below. Bingo! That’s how to make change the payment method of your Facebook ad.

How To Remove a Facebook Ad Payment Method

You can control all the details about the payment methods of your Facebook ad from your payment settings page. Note that you can only remove a payment method if you’ve added another to act as the default after you’ve removed the primary payment method. Still, you must be the admin to use the steps below to remove your payment method.


Facebook ads are a great way of advertising your brand. With a Facebook ad account, you can create your first Facebook ad on your Ads Manager and add a payment method. We’ve seen how to add a payment method, change the payment method, and remove a payment method. That’s it, folks.

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