We will cover the different ways to change your Facebook background on your desktop and mobile app. If you want to have various tricks to modify your Facebook background, keep reading the article to learn.

Different Ways of Changing Your Facebook Background

There is no harm in adding some beauty to your Facebook. Changing the background color makes your Facebook looks more appealing, especially if you are the kind that spends most of your time on Facebook. Note that only you can see the background color you add to your Facebook. Moreover, you can always revert to the default background color offered by Facebook. We will discuss three options that you can use when you want to change your Facebook background color.

Method #1: Adding Background to Facebook Text Posts

Facebook allows you to add color to the background of your text-only post. Other posts that include videos and pictures can’t have a background added to them. For computer: For Mobile App: That’s the first way of changing Facebook’s background. However, this method only works when creating a text post; anyone who views your timeline will see the colored text post.

Method #2: Using an Extension

Google Chrome offers multiple extensions which help to make life easier. For instance, if you access your Facebook account using the Chrome browser, you can quickly modify your Facebook background using an extension. The best part about it is that the extension will change the background for your entire Facebook page, and you can choose different colors for different sections. You will feel more alive using the new revamped Facebook appearance. Here’s how to change your Facebook background on your desktop. That’s it. The color scheme that you choose will immediately reflect on your Facebook background. When you no longer wish to use the color schemes, click on the extension again and, this time, disable the colors.

Method #3: Using Dark Mode

Facebook offers you the Dark Mode feature where instead of using the default light mode, you can use dark mode, which will reflect on your background. Below is how to enable dark mode on Facebook. For desktop: Dark mode will immediately activate, and your Facebook background will change. For Mobile App: You now have dark mode activated on your Facebook mobile app.


You can change your Facebook background using various ways. This guide presented three methods of changing your Facebook background on text posts, using an extension, and using dark mode. Feel free to use the method that best works for you in changing your Facebook background.

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