It’s sad but possible that they have removed you from their friend list. Snapchat is about keeping your friends updated about your life. If they have unadded you, why would you continue sending them updates of your life? It hurts, but they aren’t interested, clearly! To end your curiosity, we have come up with three easy ways to know if that’s right. Keep reading.

3 Ways To Find Out If Someone Unadded You On Snapchat

When you no longer hear back from them, it surely irritates you. Here are three quick ways to confirm if the person has unadded you on Snapchat.

Snapchat Friends’ List

No matter what, it’s always a good idea to keep track of who you’re friends with on Snapchat. That way, you’ll know if someone unadded you, and you can take the necessary steps to protect your privacy. First, check your Friends list. If the person’s name has disappeared from that list, they’ve likely removed you as a friend. If you are new to Snapchat or don’t know how to search for a friend from your list, here is how you do it:

Snapchat Profile

You can only see a few specific things in your friend’s profile:

Snap streak (if you have any),Their zodiac sign,Their snap score,Saved snaps.

If you do not see any of them, that’s a good sign that you are no longer on their friend list. You can confirm this by following these steps:

Looking at the Sent Snap

You can also try sending that person a Snap. If it shows ‘pending’ instead of delivered, be sure the next person has removed you from their friend list. If you have never experienced it before, this is how it goes:

What To Do When Someone Unadded You On Snapchat?

Ask Mutual Friends

There’s no need to panic if you can’t find someone on your friend list. Look at the other possibilities of not seeing your friend on the list. The most common reason is typing the username wrong or the down server. In that case, ask a mutual friend for an exact username or email address to find that person on Snapchat.

Reach Out To The Person

It’s always the best idea to ask the person yourself if everything’s okay. The person you are curious about might have lost their account, password, or phone. So, reach out to the person in a kind way and ask if everything’s okay.


It can be tough when someone unadds you on Snapchat without warning. In this post, we shared three ways to find out if someone unadded you and what to do when that happens. We hope you found this information helpful! If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below. All of your Snapchat data will be cleared when you delete the app, including your friend list. Once you reinstall Snapchat and log back in, you’ll be able to start fresh with no friends added. Unfortunately, Snapchat doesn’t give you a notification when someone unadds you or any other friend activity. You can figure this out on your own.

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